From Wednesday 1st May we will be running a Wednesday Crib League at the Whippet from 7pm – 9pm.

A trophy will be awarded to the overall Whippet Champion at the end of the season, together with a £25 beer voucher. Second place will receive a £10 beer voucher..

Entry to the league is free.

We will also be providing a free cheeseboard for participants.

The league will be played on a round robin basis with every participant playing each other twice. until the overall winner is determined.

Games will commence on a best of three basis across a full 121 point board with 5 points awarded for each victory, with an extra bonus point for a 2-0 win.

Forthcoming weekly fixtures will be displayed at the bar from the Saturday before the match day.

Any no-shows for a scheduled match will result in your opponent being awarded a 2-0 victory.

If you would like to participate then please contact Tony on 07590543024 or leave your name and contact details at the bar..

The deadline for entries is Friday 26th April.